Our purpose is to create a positive revolution in change by using Appreciative Inquiry (AI) to engage the "positive core" of all people and all living systems and to expand that rich potential, creating organizations that are themselves agents of world benefit.
Principles of Co-Ownership:
Advancement of AI At the heart of the AIC Consulting is a commitment to the conceptual and practical advancement of Appreciative Inquiry including its constructionist, scientific, and spiritual foundations.
Transformational Organizations Co-Owners in AIC Consulting commit to the development of organizations, industries, and individuals that are working in a positively correlated way toward a future of:
(a) sustainable economic enterprise; (b) human and ecological prosperity; and (c) a global awakening of the heart to the kinds of life-giving ways of being, relating, and doing that we believe our world is calling us to express. Co-Owners in AIC Consulting are committed to noticing, connecting, and combining the transformational energies they see in the world and advancing significant work of enduring consequence.
Creative Synergies As a community we realize that AI is in a constant state of evolution and as long as the "inquiry" part of AI is alive it will continue to break new ground. Therefore as a community we constantly seek creative links and synergies with related and diverse approaches that share in the search for new frontiers of positive change.
Generosity and Entrepreneurship Co-Owners in AIC Consulting advance our shared purpose in ways that enhance the cAICcity of the whole, as well as each owner. We work in the spirit of generosity, creative excellence, and individual entrepreneurship. We practice the highest level of collaboration, mutual support, and transparency.
Spirited Learning Community AIC Consulting is a spirited learning and sharing community in which Co-Owners dare to help each other think and dream in new ways, to acquire new knowledge and skills, and to advance the state of the art of positive change. High quality work is ensured and advanced through high quality learning, research, action, and writing.
Sharing Learning Each Co-Owner in AIC Consulting is committed to share with the whole-- information, knowledge, or materials-- that will enhance the quality of learning and practice of the other Co-Owners while honoring client desires for confidentiality.
Promoting the Individual and Collective Good Co-Owners in AIC Consulting believe in building trust and transparency into each Co-Owner and client relationship. We understand trust to be sincerity, competence, and reliability. It manifests as a profound concern for the good of the whole and for individual entrepreneurial freedom. We see the world as a place of abundance and are committed to presuming and treating each other with good intentions.
Integrity Each Co-Owner maintains the highest standards of integrity and seeks an increasingly higher quality of AI practice. We are committed to delivering on what we promise, saying what we mean, doing what we say, and staying in dialogue about the meaning of integrity.
Acknowledgement Co-Owners in AIC Consulting support one another's creativity and profitability in terms of new product development, while simultaneously fostering a wide sharing of the new creations by referencing and acknowledging the work and contributions of others.
Co-Ownership Co-Ownership in AIC Consulting is open to all AI practitioners, organizations, and associations that fully subscribe to the Purpose and Principles and demonstrate the commitment and learning to pursue them constructively. Each Co-Owner is committed to developing personally and organizationally the highest level of excellence in AI theory and practice.
Freedom to Organize When Co-Owners are representing themselves as a Centre of AI Consulting, they are empowered to organize and do business in any manner, at any scale, in any area, and around any priority that is relevant to and consistent with the Purpose and Principles.
Local Authority and Decision Making Authority is vested in and decisions are made at the most local level possible that includes the relevant parties. Decisions are deliberated and made at every level by bodies and methods that represent a diversity of voices and are not dominated by any single view.
Autonomy and Resources Every part of AIC Consulting surrenders only such autonomy and resources as are essential at the governing level of the whole in pursuit of the Purpose and Principles.
Support of AI Writing and Theory AIC Consulting is committed to make linkages and support students, researchers, and scholarly practitioners making next generation advances in AI writing and theory. We recognize that there is nothing quite so practical as a good theory and theory building warrants mindful attention. We are committed to building, publishing, and disseminating new theories that reflect and inspire innovative practice.
Honoring Diverse Voices, Languages, and Cultures We honor the richness of diversity and support the right and responsibility of Co-Owners around the world to translate and interpret the Charter, Bylaws, and related documents in accordance with the Purpose and Principles, and the spirit of AIC Consulting.
Living AI: Humility as Our Strength We realize, with a profound sense of humility and a stance of ongoing curiosity, that we are just beginning to understand the enormously rich potential of appreciative ways of knowing, relating, and changing. In this spirit, we are committed to the Gandhian principle: "We must become the change we wish to see in the world."